meet our founder & director

Hi there! My name is Ashley, and I am a homeschooling mother of two.

I have been homeschooling my children since 2018, the very beginning of our “school aged” journey. Since we dipped our toes into the homeschooling waters, our family has seen diagnoses within our own children, political issues and unfortunate agendas in the public school systems, and personal growths that have solidified our decision to continue homeschooling for the foreseeable future.

If you are a homeschooling parent yourself, you know firsthand that it can be a very isolating experience. It can sometimes be difficult to find support from family and even friends who may not agree with your choice to homeschool. It can also be difficult to find outlets for quality socialization, educational enrichment and sometimes your own mental health breaks. I created Bloom from ideas deep-rooted in my heart with the goal of fostering connection, support, and unique opportunities within our local homeschooling community.